Special installation terms and conditions
1. Definitions
Activation | The moment at which the Customer can start using the Service. |
Agreement | A mutual commitment between edpnet and the Customer under which edpnet makes the Service available to the Customer, and at which General and Special Conditions apply. |
Appointment Time | Date and time the technician will arrive at the Installation Address to carry out the planned installation works. |
AREI | « Algemeen Reglement op de Elektrische Installaties », contains the main general legal requirements concerning electrical installations. |
Best Effort | The promise to do ones utmost to achieve a certain goal without the achieving of this goal can be guaranteed nor afterwards enforced. |
Browser | Scroll program for the purpose of use of the World Wide Web. |
Contact Person | The adult physical person whose telephone number is being provided during the ordering process. |
Customer, You(r) | Physical person, corporation or unincorporated association that edpnet has an Agreement with, including any person who acts with or may reasonably be assumed of acting with permission or knowledge. |
DSL | The collective name for various DSL solutions such as ADSL and VDSL. |
DTP | Distribution Termination Point, underground branching point on the public domain from which the fiber is introduced via an input to the Fiber Intro-point. |
edpnet | EDPNET Belgium bv, with registered office at 9100 Sint-Niklaas, Bellestraat 30, VAT number BE 0799.091.641. |
Fiber Intro-point | The Optical Network Termination Point, the passive termination point of the Fiber Network in the LU, to which a Fiber NT will be connected. |
Fiber NT | The Optical Network Terminal, the active termination point of the Fiber Network in the LU, to which the Router of the Customer needs to be connected. |
Fiber | Optical fiber, a fiber optic connection to the location of the Customer. |
General Terms | The General Terms and Conditions for Consumers and the General Terms and Conditions for Enterprises and Practitioners of Liberal Professions. |
Hardware | Any equipment supplied by edpnet that is required for the use of the Service, and may include Software. |
Hyperlink | A reference that provides a link to a web page or digital document. |
Installation Address | The physical address where the Customer will use the Service. |
Internal Cabling | The cabling between the Proximus entry point and internal outlets, patch panels, modem, router... |
Intervention Form | The document that the technician presents to the Customer for signature upon completion of the installation. It will serve as evidence for the proper execution of the installation. |
Intervention Time | Date and time the technician will arrive at the Installation Address to carry out the intervention. |
Introduction Cable | The physical part of a Customer line that connects the Distribution Cable to the Customer’s DSL network endpoint (NTP) or the optical network termination point (Fiber Intro-point). |
LU | Living Unit, each unit in a residential building designed or adapted to be used separately by a family or a group of persons. |
MDU | Multi Dwelling Unit, a building used by several families, or several group of persons, each identified as one (1) single end-user of the Service. |
Network | The public telecommunications network that is used for the provisioning of the Service to the Customer. |
NTP | Network Termination Point, the termination point of the DSL network at the Customer's Installation Address. |
Provisioning | The period between the ordering and the Activation of the Service. |
Proximus | Public Limited Company under Belgian Public Law, with registered office at 1030 Brussels, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 27, owner of the Belgian national DSL and Fiber Network. |
Router | A device that connects two (2) or more different computer networks, in this context the Fiber network of Proximus and the network of the Customer. |
Service | Any product or service offered by edpnet that can be used by the Customer after installation and/or activation. |
SDU | Single Dwelling Unit, a building used by one (1) family or one (1) group of persons, identified as one (1) single end-user of the Service. |
SNA | Small Network Adaptations, modifications to the Proximus network necessary in order to make the Service possible. |
Software | All the elements that are contained in the Hardware and that are protected by intellectual property rights. |
Ticket | A written message that the Customer can send to edpnet, and vice versa, within edpnet’s secured internal communication system. |
VoIP | Voice over IP, a technology that allows the making of telephone calls over the internet. |
2. General provisions
2.1. These Special Installation Terms and Conditions, hereinafter Installation Conditions, are an addition to the General Terms that regulate the legal relationship between the provider, edpnet, and the Customer, in the context of the physical installation and Activation of the Service at the Installation Address.
2.2. The Customer declares to have been properly informed about the characteristics of the different types of installation. All information on this subject can be found at www.edpnet.be.
2.3. The Customer may not change or replace any of the provisions of these Installation Conditions, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing.
2.4. General and/or Special Conditions from the Customer are expressly rejected by edpnet.
2.5. The present Installation Conditions can be consulted in Dutch, French and English. In case of a discrepancy between the different versions, the Dutch version prevails.
3. Do-It-Yourself Installation in case of a DSL order
3.1. A Do-It-Yourself Installation in case of a DSL order involves the Customer taking the necessary actions in order to be able to use the DSL Service.
Edpnet’s action is limited strictly to the Activation of the DSL Service, on the Activation date notified to the Customer. Edpnet assumes that the Customer himself has done everything necessary to be correctly connected to the Network at the moment of Activation of the DSL Service.
Edpnet will not charge the Customer an installation fee in case of a Do-It-Yourself Installation.
3.2. The Customer, who has opted for a Do-It-Yourself Installation in case of a DSL order during the ordering process, and who requires any support from edpnet, and after that he was unable to find the answers to his questions on the edpnet support site, will receive it on a Best Effort basis. The Customer cannot claim any rights if edpnet does not provide the answers or solution(s) that the Customer needs or expects to receive in order to be able to successfully complete the Do-It-Yourself Installation that he has chosen during the ordering process.
3.3. In the event that the scheduled Activation date of the Service does not suit the Customer, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
3.3.1. If not later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation the Customer requests edpnet to change the date of the scheduled Activation of the DSL Service to another date than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
3.3.2. If later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled date of the Activation of the DSL Service to another date than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new date for the Activation to the Customer.
3.4. In the event that the Customer cancels the order before the Activation of the DSL Service, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
3.4.1. If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer not later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
3.4.2. If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies entirely with the Customer.
3.5. When during the Provisioning process it is being detected that an installation of the type "Raw Copper Installation: Test and Label", hereinafter Telecom Installation, is required, edpnet will notify the Customer hereof. For all provisions concerning the Telecom Installation reference is made to chapter 5 of the present Installation Conditions. Edpnet will freeze the Provisioning process and provide the Customer with a quotation for a Telecom Installation.
Upon approval of the quotation, edpnet will send an order confirmation for the Telecom Installation to the Customer and put the Provisioning process back in motion. Edpnet will communicate the Appointment Time to the Customer.
The rejection of the quotation by the Customer will result in edpnet being technically not able to provide the DSL Service. In such case edpnet will cancel the order for the DSL Service. Any ongoing orders for services directly related to the DSL Service will also be canceled, while any ongoing orders for services not directly related to the DSL Service will not be canceled. Edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee.
3.5.1 If the quotation is being rejected by the Customer no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, the Cancellation Fee is equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
3.5.2 If the quotation is being rejected by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, the Cancellation Fee is equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
3.6. In case that a problem appears after the Activation of a DSL line installed by the Customer via a Do-It-Yourself Installation, prior to contacting edpnet, the Customer must perform all possible checks in order to rule out that the problem is located on his side of the connection, being between the Proximus entry point in the building (NTP) and his computer. When he has ruled out that the problem is located on his side of the connection, the Customer can open a repair Ticket with edpnet.
When it is being determined that the intervention of a technician is required to solve the problem, edpnet will communicate the potential cost of the intervention of a technician to the Customer, as well as the conditions under which these costs will be charged.
In case the Customer refuses the intervention of the technician, or the conditions of the charging of it, for any reason, edpnet will log the refusal in the Ticket. Upon that, the Ticket will be closed because of the inability of edpnet to solve the problem. The Customer can claim no rights as a result of the closure of the Ticket by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the closure of it. Edpnet will be entitled to consider this as an early termination of the contract during the fixed term and claim compensation for early termination in accordance with Article 9.3 of the General Terms.
In case the Customer accepts the intervention of a technician, edpnet will communicate the Intervention Time to the Customer.
If it appears during the repair of a line installed by the Customer via a Do-It-Yourself Installation that the cause of the problem is due to an incorrect installation performed by the Customer, then edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
3.7. If the need for an SNA is being detected during the repair of a DSL line installed by the Customer via a Do-It-Yourself Installation, edpnet will notify the Customer hereof. For all provisions concerning the SNA reference is made to chapter 10 of the present Installation Conditions. Edpnet will provide the Customer with a quotation for the required SNA.
After receipt of the agreement for the execution of the SNA works, edpnet will communicate the Appointment Time to the Customer.
If the Customer does not communicate his approval for the execution of the SNA works to edpnet within five (5) working days, or when the Customer refuses the execution of the SNA works, edpnet will cancel the order due to being technically unable to deliver the DSL Service. Edpnet will be entitled to consider this as an early termination of the contract during the fixed term and claim compensation for early termination under article 9.3 of the General Terms.
4. Do-It-Yourself Installation in case of an Fiber order
4.1 A Do-It-Yourself Installation in case of an Fiber order involves the Customer taking the necessary actions in order to be able to use the Fiber Service. In practice this means that Customer himself will connect the Gigabit Ethernet WAN port of his Router by means of an UTP cable to the Gigabit Ethernet port of the Fiber NT.
Edpnet’s action is limited strictly to the Activation of the Fiber Service on one (1) of the Fiber NT ports on the Activation date notified to the Customer. Edpnet assumes that at the moment of Activation of the Fiber Service the Customer himself has already done everything necessary to be properly connected to the Network.
Edpnet will not charge the Customer an installation fee in case of a Do-It-Yourself Installation.
4.2 The Customer, who has opted for a Do-It-Yourself Installation during the Fiber ordering process, and who requires any support from edpnet, and after that he was unable to find the answers to his questions on the edpnet support site, will receive it on a Best Effort basis. The Customer cannot claim any rights if edpnet does not provide the answers or solution(s) that the Customer needs or expects to receive in order to be able to successfully complete the Do-It-Yourself Installation that he has chosen during the ordering process.
4.3 In the event that the scheduled Activation date of the Fiber Service does not suit the Customer, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
4.3.1 If no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled date of the Activation of the Fiber Service to another date than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
4.3.2 If less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled date of the Activation of the Fiber Service to another date than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new date for the Activation to the Customer.
4.4 In the event that the Customer cancels the order before the Activation of the Fiber Service, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
4.4.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer and a Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation was found necessary by Proximus, the provisions of article 6.6 apply.
4.4.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer and a Fiber NT Installation was found necessary by Proximus, the provisions of article 7.6 apply.
4.4.3 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, and neither a Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation nor a Fiber NT Installation were found necessary by Proximus, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee be equal to € 8,26 excluding VAT (€ 10,00 VAT included).
4.4.4 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Activation, and neither a Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation nor a Fiber NT Installation were found necessary, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
4.5 In case a problem appears after the Activation of an Fiber connection installed by the Customer via a Do-It-Yourself Installation, prior to contacting edpnet, the Customer must perform all possible checks in order to rule out that the problem is located on his side of the connection, being
- the connection between the Fiber NT and his Router;
- his Router;
- the connection between his Router and his computer.
When he has ruled out that the problem is located on his side of the connection, the Customer can open a repair Ticket with edpnet.
After it is being determined that the intervention of a technician is required to solve the problem, edpnet will communicate the potential cost of the intervention of a technician to the Customer, as well as the conditions under which these costs will be charged.
In case the Customer refuses the intervention of the technician, or the conditions of the charging of it, edpnet will log the refusal in the Ticket. Upon that, the Ticket will be closed because of the inability of edpnet to solve the problem. The Customer can claim no rights of this closure of the issue by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the closure. Edpnet will be entitled to consider this as an early termination of the contract during the fixed term and claim compensation for early termination under article 9.3 of the General Terms.
In case the Customer accepts the intervention of a technician, edpnet will inform him of the Intervention Date.
If it appears during the repair of an Fiber line installed by the Customer via a Do-It-Yourself Installation that the cause of the problem is due to an incorrect installation performed by the Customer, then edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
5. Raw Copper Installation: Test & Label
5.1 A “Raw Copper Installation: Test & Label”, hereinafter Telecom Installation, implies that, on the Appointment Time notified to the Customer, a technician will install a NTP2007 outlet at the Proximus entry point in the building, mount the line, test it and label it with a Circuit ID. A detailed description of what a Telecom Installation does and does not include can be found on https://www.edpnet.be/en/support/installation-and-usage/internet/learn-about-dsl-installations/what-is-a-telecom-installation.html.
The completion of the Telecom Installation results in the Activation of the DSL Service.
5.2 In the event that the scheduled Appointment Time for the Telecom installation cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
5.2.1 If no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Telecom Installation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
5.2.2 If less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Telecom Installation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
5.3 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
5.4 In the event that the Customer cancels the order before the scheduled Telecom Installation, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
5.4.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Telecom Installation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
5.4.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Telecom Installation, or if the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the order at the Appointment Time, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
5.5 If the need of an SNA is being detected during the Provisioning process, edpnet will notify the Customer hereof. For all provisions concerning the SNA reference is made to chapter 10 of the present Installation Conditions.
5.6 In the event that the technician cannot commence with or complete the Telecom Installation because the Customer has not complied with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, "Obligations of the Customer and the Contact Person", the technician will leave. Edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
Edpnet will propose a new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time for the Telecom Installation can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to provide the Service. The Customer can claim no rights of this cancellation of the order by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the cancellation.
5.7 Edpnet foresees one (1) working hour for the implementation of the Telecom Installation. This working hour commences as described in article 13.6. Edpnet is entitled to charge extra working hours as described in article 14.2.
5.8 In case of a Telecom Installation pursuant to article 3.5, after a successful installation edpnet will send a message to the Customer that the DSL line has been activated. The Customer can then continue with the Do-It-Yourself Installation.
5.9 In the event that the Customer has ordered a Worry-Free Installation for DSL, and as far as no such Appointment Time has already been fixed, edpnet will contact the Customer after a successful Telecom Installation to fix a date for the further installation.
6. Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation
6.1 Prior to the activation of the Fiber Service, the connection status of the Customer’s Installation Address will be checked. In case the Installation Address is not located in an Fiber area, or in case no more free fiber is available in the distribution cable, the request for a Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation will be rejected.
The installation of another DTP than the one designed by Proximus’ engineering is not possible.
6.2 If the check reveals that a Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation is required, Proximus will deliver and install a DTP (if required), a Fiber Intro-point and a Fiber NT and establish the connection of the Installation Address of the Customer with the Fiber Network. Reference is made to chapter 11 of the present Installation Conditions.
6.2.1 The Fiber NT and the optical patch cord connecting it to the Fiber Intro-point are provided and installed by Proximus in the SDU.
6.2.2 For MDU’s where a complete optical fiber structured cabling is available between the technical room and the LU of the Customer, the Fiber NT is installed by Proximus in the LU of the Customer and connected to the Fiber Intro-point through the correct and working optical fiber structured cabling. Depending on the size and the layout of the MDU, the Fiber Intro-point may be placed at a different location.
6.2.3 For MDU’s where a complete optical fiber structured cabling is not available between the technical room and the LU of the Customer, the Fiber NT and the optical patch cord connecting it to the Fiber Intro-point are provided and installed by Proximus in the technical room of the MDU. In such case, the Customer is responsible for connecting the Fiber NT placed by Proximus in the technical room to his LU through structured UTP CAT 6 (or higher) cabling. Depending on the size and the layout of the MDU, the Fiber Intro-point may be placed at a different location.
Once the Fiber NT is installed, an optical patch cord of maximum five (5) meters will be installed between the Fiber Intro-point and the Fiber NT. The optical patch cord will be placed in an existing cable gutter. The presence of the cable gutter is the responsibility of the Customer. The Proximus technician will perform no drilling work and will not apply any vertical cabling.
The connecting of the Fiber NT to the Fiber Intro-point results in the Activation of the Fiber Service.
6.3 The installation of the DTP (if required) and the Fiber Intro-point will be performed by the same Proximus technician. This is the so-called Termination Part of the Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation. The installation of the Fiber NT will be performed by another Proximus technician. This is the so-called Connection Part of the Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation. Therefore two (2) different appointments at the Installation Address of the Customer will be required. External factors (Syndic, municipality ...) can lead to the required works having to be carried out in more phases.
6.4 In the event that a communicated Appointment Time cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
6.4.1 If no later than two (2) working days before a scheduled Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
6.4.2 If less than two (2) working days before a scheduled Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate a new Appointment Time to the Customer.
6.5 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
6.6 In the event that the Customer cancels the order before the Activation, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
6.6.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Termination part of the Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
6.6.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer at any other moment before the Fiber Service Activation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
6.7 In the event that the technician cannot commence with or complete the intervention because the Customer has not complied with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, "Obligations of the Customer and the Contact Person", the technician will leave. Edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
Edpnet will communicate a new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to provide the Fiber Service. The Customer can claim no rights of this cancellation of the order by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the cancellation.
6.8 In the event that the Customer has ordered a Worry-Free Installation for Fiber, and as far as no Appointment Time has already been fixed for this intervention, edpnet will contact the Customer after a successful Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation to fix a date for the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber.
7. Fiber NT Installation
7.1 Prior to the activation of the Fiber Service, the connection status of the Installation Address of the Customer will be checked. In case the Installation Address is not located in an Fiber area, or in case no more free fiber is available in the distribution cable, the request for a Fiber NT Installation will be rejected.
7.2 If the check reveals that a Fiber NT Installation is required, Proximus will deliver, install and connect a Fiber NT at the Installation Address of the Customer.
7.2.1 The Fiber NT and the optical patch cord connecting it to the Fiber Intro-point are provided and installed by Proximus in the SDU.
7.2.2 For MDU where a complete optical fiber structured cabling is available between the technical room and the LU of the Customer, the Fiber NT is installed by Proximus in the LU of the Customer and connected to the Fiber Intro-point through the correct and working optical fiber structured cabling.
7.2.3 For MDU where a complete optical fiber structured cabling is not available between the technical room and the LU of the Customer, the Fiber NT will be installed by Proximus in the technical room of the MDU. In such case, the Customer is responsible for connecting the Fiber NT placed by Proximus in the technical room to his LU through structured UTP CAT 6 (or higher) cabling.
Once the Fiber NT is installed, an optical patch cord of maximum five (5) meters will be installed between the Fiber Intro-point and the Fiber NT. The optical patch cord will be placed in an existing cable gutter. The presence of the cable gutter is the responsibility of the Customer. The Proximus technician will perform no drilling work and will not apply any vertical cabling.
The connecting of the Fiber NT to the Fiber Intro-point results in the Activation of the Service.
7.3 The installation and the connection of the Fiber NT will be performed by a Proximus technician. Therefore an appointment at the Installation Address of the Customer will be required.
7.4 In the event that the scheduled Fiber NT Installation cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
7.4.1 If no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Fiber NT Installation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
7.4.2 If less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Fiber NT Installation the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee equal to €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate a new Appointment Time to the Customer.
7.5 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
7.6 In the event that the Customer cancels the order before the scheduled Fiber NT Installation, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
7.6.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Fiber NT Installation, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
7.6.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Fiber NT Installation, or if the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the order at the Appointment Time, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
7.7 In the event that the technician cannot commence with or complete the Fiber NT Installation because the Customer has not complied with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, "Obligations of the Customer and the Contact Person", the technician will leave. Edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to provide the Fiber Service. The Customer can claim no rights of this cancellation of the order by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the cancellation.
7.8 In the event that the Customer has ordered a Worry-Free Installation for Fiber, and as far as no Appointment Time has already been fixed for this intervention, edpnet will contact the Customer after a successful Fiber NT Installation to fix a date for the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber.
8. Worry-Free Installation for DSL
8.1 A Worry-Free Installation for DSL involves that edpnet will take all necessary actions so that the DSL Service can be used by the Customer. A detailed description of what a Worry-Free Installation for DSL does and does not include can be found on https://www.edpnet.be/en/support/installation-and-usage/internet/learn-about-dsl-installations/what-is-a-worry-free-installation.html.
A Worry-Free Installation for DSL can consist of two (2) parts, namely a Telecom Installation and an installation of the Hardware. If it appears that a Telecom Installation is necessary, edpnet will try to have both the Telecom Installation and the installation of the Hardware carried out by an edpnet technician so that only one (1) appointment is required. If it turns out that it is not possible to have the Telecom Installation carried out by an edpnet technician, it will be carried out by a Proximus technician. The installation of the Hardware by an edpnet technician will then be scheduled as soon as possible after the completion of the Telecom Installation and the Activation of the DSL line. In such a case two (2) different appointments at the Installation Address of the Customer will be required.
For the separately performed Telecom Installation by a Proximus technician, the provisions of chapter 5 of these Installation Conditions apply. For (the part of) the Worry-Free Installation for DSL performed by an edpnet technician the provisions of this chapter 8 apply.
8.2 In the event that a scheduled Appointment Time cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for any reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
8.2.1 If no later than two (2) working days before the Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
8.2.2 If less than two (2) working days before the Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change date fee of €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, or in case the Customer wants to postpone the installation of the modem indefinitely, edpnet is entitled to start invoicing the DSL Service from the Activation date on.
8.3 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
8.4 In the event that the Customer cancels the order, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
8.4.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer before a scheduled Appointment Time, and the DSL line has not yet been activated, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to € 8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included). The cancellation of the Telecom Installation will be treated as described in article 5.3.
8.4.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer at any other moment before the scheduled Appointment Time, or if the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the order at the Appointment Time, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
8.5 In the event that the technician cannot commence with or complete an intervention in the context of a Worry-Free Installation for DSL because the Customer has not complied with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, the technician will leave. Edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled prior to the date of the planned Activation of the DSL Service, or in case the Customer wants to postpone the Worry-Free Installation for DSL indefinitely, edpnet is entitled to start invoicing the DSL Service from the Activation date on.
8.6 Edpnet foresees one (1) working hour for the Worry-Free Installation for DSL by its technician. This working hour commences at the moment described in article 13.6. Edpnet is entitled to charge the extra working time as described in article 14.2.
8.7 When a Customer has ordered a Worry-Free Installation for DSL, and during the Provisioning process it appears that a Telecom Installation is required, the Customer will not be charged extra for the Telecom Installation. For this Telecom Installation the provisions under chapter 5 of the present Installation Conditions apply.
In case the Customer cancels the Worry-Free Installation for DSL after the required Telecom Installation has been performed, edpnet is entitled to charge the usual costs for a Telecom Installation. The applicable standard fee for a Telecom Installation can be found on www.edpnet.be. No promotions will be taken into account.
8.8 If the need of an SNA is being detected during the Provisioning process, edpnet will notify the Customer hereof. For this SNA, the provisions under chapter 10 of the present Installation Conditions apply.
8.9 After finishing the Worry-Free Installation for DSL, the edpnet technician will ask the Customer to sign an Intervention Form. If the Customer does not make any comments at that time on the operation of the Hardware, he acknowledges having received the Hardware in good condition, without visible damage or defects. Unless remarks on the operation of the Service are mentioned on the Intervention Form, the installation will be considered successful. From the signing of the Intervention Form, all risks of loss, theft or damage to the Hardware are transferred to the Customer.
9. Worry-Free Installation for Fiber
9.1 A Worry-Free Installation for Fiber involves that, after the Activation of the Service, an edpnet technician will connect the Gigabit Ethernet port of the via edpnet obtained Router to the Gigabit Ethernet port of the Fiber NT via an UTP cable. After that the Router is configured for operation on the Proximus Fiber Network, the edpnet technician will test the connection.
In a situation as described in article 6.2.3 and 7.2.3 where the Fiber NT was installed by Proximus in the technical room of the MDU, and the Customer has not connected the Fiber NT to his LU through structured UTP CAT 6 (or higher) cabling, in accordance with article 13.5 the edpnet technician will connect the Router to the Fiber NT in the technical room. If the Customer refuses to have the edpnet technician connect the Router to the Fiber NT in the technical room, the edpnet technician will leave. Article 9.4 applies in this case.
The edpnet technician will not connect nor configure any non-via-edpnet-obtained Hardware nor the internal network of the Customer.
9.2 In the event that the scheduled Worry-Free Installation for Fiber cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
9.2.1 If no later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Worry-Free Installation for Fiber the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
9.2.2 If less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Worry-Free Installation for Fiber the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Change date fee of €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, or in case the Customer wants to postpone the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber indefinitely, edpnet is entitled to start invoicing the Fiber Service from the Activation date on.
9.3 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
9.4 In the event that the Customer cancels the order, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer before the scheduled Worry-Free Installation for Fiber, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the Customer.
9.5 In the event that the technician cannot commence with or complete the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber because the Customer has not complied with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, the technician will leave. Edpnet is entitled to consider this as a Wrongful Intervention as described in chapter 12 of the present Installation Conditions.
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, or in case the Customer wants to postpone the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber indefinitely, edpnet is entitled to start invoicing the Fiber Service from the Activation date on.
In case the Customer cancels the order after an installation has been aborted as a result of the Customer not being in compliance with one (1) or more obligation(s) as described in chapter 13 of the present Installation Conditions, edpnet is entitled to consider this as an early termination of the contract during the fixed term and claim compensation for early termination under article 9.3 of the General Terms.
9.6 Edpnet foresees one (1) working hour for the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber by its technician. This working hour commences at the moment described in article 13.6. Edpnet will be entitled to charge the extra working time as described in article 14.2.
9.7 After finishing the Worry-Free Installation for Fiber, the edpnet technician will ask the Customer to sign an Intervention Form. If the Customer does not make any comments at that time on the operation of the Hardware, he acknowledges having received the Hardware in good condition, without visible damage or defects. Unless remarks on the operation of the Service are mentioned on the Intervention Form, the installation will be considered successful. From the signing of the Intervention Form, all risks of loss, theft or damage to the Hardware are transferred to the Customer.
10. Small Network Adaptations
10.1 Small Network Adaptations (SNA) are performed during Provisioning activities in case no suitable introduction cable is available, or all copper pairs are in use for other services or the current free copper pairs are not usable or of insufficient quality to be able to activate the requested DSL service on. The construction or trenching of new distribution cabling, new street cabinets or new feeder cabling is outside the scope. Reference is made to the “Proximus standard conditions for access” chapter of the present Installation Conditions.
10.2 If the need for SNA is being detected, edpnet will notify the Customer hereof.
After receiving the approval to perform the SNA works, The Customer will be informed of the SNA Appointment Time.
In case the Customer is not approving the execution of the SNA works within five (5) working days, or if the Customer is rejecting the execution of the SNA works, edpnet will cancel the order because being technically not able to provision the Service.
10.3 In the event that a communicated Appointment Time cannot be met by the Customer or the Contact Person, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this immediately in writing.
10.3.1 If no later than two (2) working days before a scheduled Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee of €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
10.3.2 If less than two (2) working days before a scheduled Appointment Time the Customer requests edpnet to change the scheduled Appointment Time to another Appointment Time than the one previously notified by edpnet, for any reason, edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Change Date Fee of €49,59 excluding VAT (€60,00 VAT included).
Edpnet will communicate the new Appointment Time to the Customer.
In case no new Appointment Time can be scheduled for reasons attributable to the Customer, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to provide the DSL Service. The Customer can claim no rights of this cancellation of the order by edpnet since he himself is at the basis of the cancellation.
10.4 A Useless End-User Visit takes place when the technician cannot perform his intervention.
A Useless End-User Visit can happen for the following reasons:
- the Client or the Contact Person is not present at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person is not available at the Appointment Time;
- the Customer or the Contact Person cancels the installation;
- the Customer or the Contact is not ready for the installation, the site is not ready for the installation;
- the contact number provided by the Customer is incorrect.
In the event of a Useless End-User Visit, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €52,75 excluding VAT (€63,83 VAT included).
If the technician can reach the Customer or the Contact Person by telephone before the Appointment Time, and the Customer or the Contact Person asks the technician not to come by, edpnet will consider this as an Aborted End-User Visit and will be entitled to charge the Customer a fee equal to €17,79 excluding VAT (€21,53 VAT included).
10.5 In the event that the Customer cancels the order, for whatever reason, edpnet should be informed of this as described in article 9.2 of the General Terms.
10.5.1 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer not later than two (2) working days before the scheduled Appointment Time, edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €8,26 excluding VAT (€10,00 VAT included).
10.5.2 If for reasons that cannot reasonably be attributed to edpnet the order is being cancelled by the Customer less than two (2) working days before the scheduled Appointment Time, edpnet will be entitled to charge the Customer a Cancellation Fee equal to €103,31 excluding VAT (€125,00 VAT included).
If the case, the burden of proof of the irrefutable shortcoming of edpnet lies with the customer.
10.6 In case of an SNA pursuant to article 5.5, both the SNA and the Telecom Installation will be performed by Proximus, though not necessarily by the same Proximus technicians. Therefore two (2) different appointments at the Installation Address of the Customer may be required. The Customer will not be charged separately for the Telecom Installation. Article 10.3 applies to all required interventions in the context of an SNA.
10.7 In the event that the Customer has ordered a Worry-Free Installation for DSL, edpnet will contact the Customer after the SNA to fix a date for the further installation.
11. Proximus standard conditions for access
11.1 Both SNA and the so-called Termination part of the Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation will only be performed providing that the Proximus standard conditions for access are fulfilled.
11.2 A free duct or an open trench must be available on the private domain of the Customer at the Appointment Date.
If a free duct or an open trench is not available on the private domain of the Customer at the Appointment Date, Proximus can be asked to also perform this part of the work on the condition that the Customer agrees to pay the price for that part of the work to be performed by Proximus. This price will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Proximus will provide a quotation to edpnet who, at its turn, will forward it to the Customer.
11.2.1 If five (5) working days after having received the quotation from edpnet the Customer has not yet accepted the quotation, edpnet will consider the quotation as being rejected. If in such case the Customer is not prepared to foresee a free duct or an open trench himself, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to activate the Service at the Installation Address of the Customer. Edpnet will be entitled to charge to the Customer all costs that it is being charged itself by Proximus for the preparation of the quotation.
11.2.2 If the Customer rejects the quotation, and he is not prepared to foresee a free duct or an open trench himself, the order will be cancelled by edpnet because of technically not being able to activate the Service. Edpnet will be entitled to charge to the Customer all costs that it is being charged itself by Proximus for the preparation of the quotation.
11.2.3 If the Customer accepts the quotation, edpnet will communicate an Appointment Time to the Customer.
11.3 Proximus will only perform the SNA if the splicing is done in front of the Installation Address of the Customer. Proximus will provide an Introduction Cable with a standard length of twenty (20) meters to provide connection between the distribution cable and the NTP. In case an introduction with a length of more than twenty (20) meters has to be provided, the Customer will be charged the relevant price for the extra work.
In virtue of the article 192/2 of the AREI and in order to ensure the security of Proximus splicers and other individuals, Proximus technicians must consult the maps of the underground electric cables installed by any other utility company before carrying out any new connection with splicing works.
11.4 Proximus will only perform the so-called Termination part of the Fiber Intro-point & NT Installation if the connection is done in the street in front of the Installation Address of the Customer. Proximus will provide an Introduction Cable with a standard length of twenty (20) meters to provide the connection between the DTP and the Fiber Intro-point. In case an introduction with a length of more than twenty (20) meters has to be provided, the Customer will be charged the relevant price for the extra work.
12. Wrongful Intervention
12.1 A Wrongful Intervention is:
12.1.1 a request for repair of a defect, which was not caused by edpnet and for which edpnet or its subcontractor have carried out certain operations (repair, testing, travel, scheduling, ...);
12.1.2 an intervention for which edpnet or its subcontractor have carried out useless operations (repair, testing, travel, scheduling, ...) due to the fact that the Customer was not present at the meeting, did not give access to his property or gave incorrect information;
12.2.3 any intervention that took place due to the fault of the Customer, such as excessive use of the line or any other fault of the Customer.
The above mentioned interventions are not limited to the address/property of the Customer and can also involve the infrastructure outside the address/property of the Customer.
12.2 In case of a Wrongful Intervention, edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer an administrative fee of €164,46 excluding VAT (€199,00 VAT included). In addition edpnet is entitled to charge the Customer for all costs related to the carrying out of unnecessary actions.
13. Obligations of the Customer and the Contact Person
13.1 Prior to an appointment with a technician, the Customer or the Contact Person must take note of the characteristics of the installation method, which is listed on www.edpnet.be, and is also available via the edpnet Customer Service.
13.2 Prior to an appointment with a technician, the Customer or the Contact Person must provide edpnet with all necessary information and take all necessary actions in order to guarantee a smooth commencement and execution of the appointment. All information can be found at www.edpnet.be, and is available via the edpnet Customer Service.
13.3 During the ordering process, the Customer must provide a Belgian telephone number, preferably a mobile number, belonging to an adult. This person will function as Contact Person and must be present at the Installation Address at the Appointment Time.
13.4 In case of a Worry-Free Installation, any special requests regarding the configuration of the Hardware have to be informed to edpnet in advance, at the moment of the making of the appointment. Special configuration requests performed during the Worry-Free Installation will be regarded as extra work to be performed by the technician and will be invoiced in accordance with to article 14.2.
The technician has the right to refuse to perform any special configuration requests made during the Worry-Free Installation. The Customer cannot claim any rights based on this refusal.
13.5 Internal Cabling is entirely the responsibility of the Customer and is not performed by edpnet or its subcontractor. If during a Worry-Free Installation the technician notes that the Internal Cabling is missing, incomplete, or of insufficient quality, the technician shall install the Hardware at the Proximus entry point in the building.
13.6 Customer acknowledges that in case of an installation the one (1) hour time slot of the technician commences as soon as the technician establishes the first contact with the Customer or his Contact Person, which should be understood, but not strictly limited to the ringing of a doorbell at the Installation Address, the passing through a gate at the Installation Address, the opening of the door of the building on the Installation Address ...
Customer acknowledges that any delay may be charged by edpnet in accordance with article 14.2. The reason(s) for the delay will be marked on the Intervention Form by the technician.
13.7 The Contact Person should be aware of the characteristics of the installation method, so that he knows prior to the appointment with a technician
- what exactly the technician will be doing;
- where exactly the technician will have to perform works;
- the necessary passwords and other access methods;
- that the technician will not perform any non-pre-agreed work.
13.8 On the day of the appointment the Contact Person should be accessible at all times via the telephone number provided during the ordering process. He is immediately available at the time the technician arrives at the Installation Address.
13.9 The Contact Person should grant the technician easy access to all the locations where the various components of the Service are located where the technician may need to perform work.
13.10 The Customer ensures that the Hardware can be installed by the technician in a location that is suitable for safe installation, maintenance, operation and removal of the Hardware.
13.11 The Customer makes sure that the required electrical sockets are available at the installation point.
13.12 The Customer gives the technician permission to perform in his premises the necessary work(s) required for the proper operation of the Service.
13.13 The Customer ensures that no objects (furniture, boxes...) are blocking the places where work has to be done by the technician.
13.14 In function of the performance of his duties, the Customer unconditionally grants the technician permission to use power and internet access free of charge and without any restrictions.
13.15 The Customer must take all necessary precautions so that the technician can work in safe and hygienic conditions. As unsafe or unsanitary conditions are to be considered, but are not limited to, water in a room, non-protected electrical equipment, sharp objects in the immediate vicinity of the working environment, the presence of fungi, objects which give off a strong or disagreeable odor, and anything else that can be considered as unhygienic or unsafe by a normal person.
13.16 The Customer is prohibited at all times to make changes to the public telecommunications infrastructure, including the Proximus intro point in the building. If during the repair of the line it appears that the cause of the problem reported by Customer is due to changes made by anyone other than the technician, edpnet will regard this as a Wrongful Intervention and charge the intervention accordingly.
13.17 The Customer may not make any modification to the Hardware that could disrupt the operation of the Network. If during the repair of the line it appears that the cause of the problem reported by Customer is due to modifications to the Hardware done by anyone other than the technician, edpnet will regard this as a Wrongful Intervention and charge the intervention accordingly.
13.18 The Customer must treat with respect the installations performed by edpnet or its subcontractor, which are located on the premises that he occupies alone or in community with others.
13.19 The Customer is responsible for the storing and printing, as well as of its accessibility, of the present Installation Conditions and the information concerning the selected installation type, using the appropriate facilities available on www.edpnet.be, in his Browser.
14. Installation fee
14.1 Depending on the chosen installation type, an installation fee will be invoiced. All necessary information can be found at www.edpnet.be. The applicable installation fee will also be listed on the quotation and/or order confirmation.
14.2 All additional operations performed by the technician after the one (1) hour time slot will be charged at a rate of €50,00 per hour excluding VAT (€60,50 VAT included), per commenced quarter.
14.3 The price of Hardware sold by edpnet, including but not limited to the modem, router, splitter, telephones ... is not included in the installation fee, unless otherwise stated.
14.4 Each new installation or any relocation of a facility already performed by edpnet will be charged according to the applicable installation charges.
15. Specific provisions related to edpnet Telephony
15.1 The configuration of edpnet Telephony is limited to configuring the VoIP account in the modem / router so that it is ready for use. The configuration of the internal telephone network is the responsibility of the Customer.
15.2 The eventual connection of internal telephone lines to the modem / router will be performed by the technician on a Best Effort basis.
15.3 Edpnet cannot guarantee error-free operation of certain alarm systems, telephone systems and terminal equipment or certain other specific websites that are connected to or with the edpnet Network. Customer will have to appeal on the supplier or installer of these installation(s) or service(s).
16. Edpnet’s obligations and responsibilities
16.1 The work of the technician is limited to the installation as mentioned on the order confirmation and the relevant chapter of the present Installation Conditions. Everything that is not explicitly mentioned, is automatically excluded.
16.2 Prior to or latest at the conclusion of the Agreement, edpnet ensures that the Customer can have access to a detailed description of what a particular installation does and does not cover.
Prior to or latest at the conclusion of the Agreement, edpnet ensures that the Customer can have access to the present Installation Conditions.
Customer will be guided via a Hyperlink to the relevant information included in the quotation form, the order form and the confirmation message including the installation Appointment Time. The information is also available at www.edpnet.be and on simple request via the edpnet Customer Service.
16.3 In the execution of the works, the technician will perform as a reasonably competent and reasonably handling craftsman would do.
16.4 Work performed by the technician to the Proximus entry point in the building will be performed according to Proximus specifications and standards.
16.5 Hardware installed by the technician will be performed fully conform with the manufacturer’s specification, to the relevant standard and all regulations that apply to it.
16.6 The technician will leave the workplace in the state it was in prior to the commencement of his work.
16.7 The technician strives to meet the specified Appointment Time. The timely arrival of the technician at the Appointment Time is an obligation of means and not an obligation of result. Thus the Appointment Time is an approximate time. Prior to his arrival at the Installation Address, the technician will inform the Contact Person of his imminent arrival.
17. Liability
17.1 Despite the technician's efforts to properly carry out his work, it cannot be excluded that damages occur because of or during his work. Unless caused by intent or gross negligence of the technician, edpnet is not liable for any damages whatsoever.
17.2 Edpnet is not liable for any damage suffered by the Customer in connection with or arising from information or advice given in the context of Best Effort.
17.3. Edpnet cannot be held responsible for third-party statements or opinions.
17.4. Edpnet is not liable for any indirect damages of the Customer or third parties, including consequential damage, loss of revenue or profit, loss of data and immaterial damages in connection with or arising from the Agreement.
17.5. Edpnet is not liable for any damage suffered by the Customer or third parties because of loss or defect of data or software in any form or degree whatsoever. The Customer must make a backup of his entire system and its data before the installation.